Positive Education
Leads to a Better Kuwait
Bareec for Positive Thinking & Wellbeing is the First Values Education School Program in Kuwait and the Arab World based on Positive Psychology.
Bareec empowers school teachers with training, tools and a curriculum to educate students with experiential classroom-based positivity exercises for greater academic excellence and individual well-being.
Positive Education
Leads to a Better Kuwait
Bareec for Positive Thinking & Wellbeing is the First Values Education School Program in Kuwait and the Arab World based on Positive Psychology.
Bareec empowers school teachers with training, tools and a curriculum to educate students with experiential classroom-based positivity exercises for greater academic excellence and individual well-being.

Endorsed in 2018 by the State of Kuwait Supreme Council for Planing and Development in the Five-Year State Development Plan (New Kuwait 2035) under the Pillar of Creative Human Capital, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

Teachers Trained

Students Reached

Schools Joined

Get in touch with us
Qurtoba, Block 1, Street 1, Avenue 3, Building 5
P. O. Box 1964, Qurtoba 73770, Kuwait.