Training Courses

- “Bareec” program holds two training courses during the academic year, the first focuses on interventions “Bareec” implements in the first semester, and the second focuses on interventions “Bareec” implements in the second semester.
- “Bareec” training program and supervising staff consists of a variety of educational expertise:
a) MOE retired school principals and vice principals holding certified trainer endorsement, and have adequate experience in the field of training.
b) Educational staff previously joined “Bareec” program and retired from work in the Ministry of Education, holding a certified trainer endorsement, and has sufficient experience in the field of training.
c) Continuing educational bodies working in schools joining “Bareec” program, holding a certified trainer endorsement, and having sufficient experience in the field of training.
- Training courses held at the beginning of the first semester consist of “Bareec” activities executed in “Bareec” booklets parts 1, 3, and 5. Training courses held for the second semester consist of “Bareec” activities executed in “Bareec” booklets parts 2, 4, and 6.
- Post to the formation of “Bareec” teams in schools, Bareec administration will provide the schools with the training course registration form for the training course that will be held in the first week of the next academic year, in accordance with the academic calendar issued by the Ministry of Education.
- Educational staff participating in “Bareec” program have to fill in training application forms.

- Signed and sealed, the school administration has to send training participation forms to “Bareec” program administration.
- “Bareec” program management prepares the training groups according to the subject matter of “Bareec” booklets parts.
- Participants in each training group are divided into sub groups called (families). Each family includes teachers from every educational district wherever possible, with the purpose of widening the circle of network between the educational staff participating in “Bareec” program.
- “Bareec” program will hold the training course in 4 days, during which some simple scientific articles on positive psychology are displayed, and practical implementation of all “Bareec” interventions are carried out to ensure appropriate application in the classrooms afterward.
- At the close of the training course, the participants will receive a completion certificate.
- “Bareec” program administration will distribute registration forms for the next training course during the progression of the first training course.
- The registration process for the next training course is recurrent by the same mechanism regarding filling in the participation form, approval and stamping by the school administration, returning forms to “Bareec” program administration and preparing all necessary arrangements for the next training course.
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